Food As Medicine Class

Join holistic nutrition therapist, Sarah Usinger at Holistic Pathways for this informative class on how to use Food As Medicine! Explore some of the best medicinal foods & their traditional medicinal uses to boost immunity & lower inflammation. Learn how ancient cultures have used food as a powerful tool to protect their health.

"Let food be thy medicine, and medicine thy food"-Hippocrates

It has been said that, food can be used to either prevent disease or cause disease.  We will explore why that statement holds truth in this class. It is incredibly important to take responsibilty for your health and it is possible to incorporate powerful recipes to protect and increase your immunity.  You will be given the tools & confidence to pursue a lifestyle of using "Food As Medicine" for you and your family! 

Event Information

Event Date 02-09-2019 4:00 pm
Event End Date 02-09-2019 5:00 pm
Cut Off Date 02-09-2019 12:00 pm
Available Place 10
Individual Price $20.00
Location Holistic Pathways

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