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Holistic Pathways - Clinic & Spa

Welcome to Holistic Pathways’ wellness clinic and spa. Traditional healing at its finest; this is where old-world and ancient therapeutic healing techniques come to life! We cater to deep relaxation therapies that boost the body’s ability to heal itself, leaving you feeling refreshed and alive! We trust the innate healing process of the body and we create sacred space during each treatment to honor your true self. We are trained to listen to your needs and goals and we will provide our best services and referrals to support your healing process.

Integrative Medicine, Herbal Medicine and Nutrition Consultations

Arvigo Techniques
Our team of natural medicine specialists work together to provide you with the most effective treatment plan for your sustained health. We cater to the whole family by caring for newborn babies through puberty, the reproductive years, adulthood and our seniors. Natural healing including mind/body healing techniques, nutritional counseling, herbal medicine and supplement recommendations and therapeutic yoga and exercise, is provided with evidence-based science and constitutional analysis; to provide the most specialized health plan for you and your family.

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The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy®

Ixchel Maiden
Step into our world filled with rich spiritual healing tradition and ancient wisdom. The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® is a service we offer to men, women and children. Hands-on healing and gentle massage therapy bring balance and ease to digestive issues, reproductive health symptoms and pelvic floor alignment. Herbal medicine and plant-spirit medicine is used internally and topically in cleansing (limpias), baths and Yoni steams (bajos). Plants and essential oils are brushed, rubbed and massaged on your body to facilitate deep cellular healing. For pregnancy and postnatal support, belly binding techniques with fajas (see Bengkung services) are offered. You will learn how to give yourself the traditional abdominal and uterine massage and utilize self-care healing tools; which you will cherish for the rest of your life.
Herb Research
Have you ever seen a newborn baby do a backbend? Where they arch their back and open their chest while their legs are crossed in swastikasana or extended? A perfect Setu Bandha-heart full of openness ...

Gynecology, Fertility, Pregnancy and Postnatal Care

Mayan abdominal massage
We specialize in traditional gynecological health care techniques by providing women of all ages the complete support they need to address and heal the most intimate details of their body. We know that women’s bodies are complex, beautiful and ever-changing, which can lead to hormonal imbalances and reproductive health issues from puberty through menopause and all the changes in-between. You can expect to be treated with respect and dignity when you share your health concerns and challenges during your private sessions. We will provide you with a comprehensive health plan and guidance to achieve your best! Women trying to conceive come to our clinic knowing we will honor each process that they may face, from unexplained infertility, miscarriage, intra-uterine insemination (IUI) and invitro-fertilization (IVF); we will stand with you and hold your hand every step of the way, if you let us! Our goal is to optimize healthy pregnancy outcomes by preparing your body with optimal care and support from the beginning. Our postnatal services are based on Native American, Mayan, Ayurvedic, Tibetan and Indonesian health care practices. We offer a-la-carte services as well as complete wellness and Mother and Baby Packages .

Massage Therapy Services

hands holding massage hot rocks
Licensed massage therapists and trained hands-on healing practitioners offer deep tissue massage, neuromuscular therapy, sports therapy, hot stone, prenatal and postnatal massage services. We also offer chakra balancing and reflexology treatments. Scientific research continues to prove that massage therapy is effective at reducing pain symptoms from sports injuries, spinal cord injuries, and low back pain to name a few. Massage therapy supports your mental health and sense of wellbeing by reducing anxiety and depression and is proven to support the quality of your sleep. There is significant scientific research showing the benefits of massage therapy for cancer patients and massage is beneficial as a pre- and post-operative recovery treatment plan. Let us cater to your needs with 30 minute to 120 minute treatments.

Iyengar Yoga Private Lessons

Iyengar Seal
Based on the teachings and lineage of B.K.S. Iyengar, his daughter Geeta Iyengar and son Prashant Iyengar; Iyengar Yoga is known for its emphasis on proper physical alignment with the use of props; to ellicit therapeutic benefits. Certified Iyengar Yoga teachers participate in rigorous and extensive trainings, to provide the student with safe modifications when asanas are challenging. A private yoga session is great for individuals who are new to yoga, or if you have an injury or medical condition that may limit you from taking a regular class. Considerations for your individual practice will depend on general health, specific injuries or conditions, age, strength, flexibility, and life circumstances. A private session allows you to receive personalized instruction in the yogasanas you may find challenging; focus on asanas that provide therapeutic benefits for an injury or physical limitation, learn new poses, or deepen your understanding of yoga philosophy. A private yoga session is for an individual that would prefer to not be in a group class. The private will help the student learn poses that will help their mind and body build strength and confidence.

Ionic Cellular Cleanse Foot Bath

mini foot bath
Detox your body with our Ionic cellular cleanse foot bath. This specialized “environmental healing” treatment supports your body to eliminate metabolic waste and improve cleansing from a systemic and cellular level. Benefits from the use of the Ionic foot bath include: reduced joint pain and inflammation associated with arthritis and fibromyalgia, constipation, liver detoxification and clearing brain fog. See our Packages for the best deal!


Holistic Pathways

3521 S. Logan St.
Englewood, CO 80113

Phone: 720.570.2454



Open by appointment and scheduled pick ups only.


All material on this website is provided for informational or educational purposes only, and is not 
intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your healthcare professional or physician.